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Please read this notice carefully

It applies to all persons who view and/or access the DriveSafe webpage.

Please note that the disclaimer set out below as well as any and all of the content of this whitepaper may be altered or updated, at any time in whole or in part at the sole discretion of SaGuNi Tech (the “Company”).

You should read it in full each time you visit the site.

Purchasing and holding any cryptocurrency involves substantial risk and may lead to a loss of a

substantial or entire amount of investment into the cryptocurrency.

Prior to purchasing any cryptocurrency, you should carefully assess and consider the risks.

Cryptocurrencies may be subject to expropriation or theft; hackers or other malicious groups or

organizations may attempt to interfere with our system/network in various ways, including malware attacks, denial of service attacks, consensus-based attacks, smurfing, and spoofing which may result in the loss of your cryptocurrencies or the loss of your ability to access your cryptocurrencies. In such an event, there may be no remedy, and holders of cryptocurrencies are not guaranteed any refund, or compensation.

The content you are seeking to access is being made available on this webpage in good faith and for information purposes only.

This document and the website are intended for general informational purposes only and do not constitute a prospectus, an offer document, recommendation, an offer of securities, a solicitation for investment, or any offer to sell or buy any product, item, or asset (whether digital or otherwise), especially to any U.S. Person (as defined by Regulations S of the US Securities Act 1933) or to any other jurisdiction where it would be unlawful to do so (the “Restricted Jurisdiction”).

The information herein may not be exhaustive and does not imply any elements of a contractual relationship.

There is no assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of such information and no representation, warranty or undertaking is or purported to be provided as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. This whitepaper and related materials are issued in English. Any translation is for reference purposes only and is not certified by the Company.

No assurance can be made as to the accuracy If you are not permitted to view materials on this webpage or are in any doubt as to whether you are permitted to view these materials, please exit this webpage.

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  • You are not a U.S. person (as defined by Regulations S of the US Securities Act 1933) or otherwise resident in the United States or any other Restricted Jurisdiction;

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  • You represent and warrant that you are accessing this whitepaper for information purposes only;

  • You have read, understood, and agree to the disclaimer above.


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